Consumer Services
If you want your electronics recycled safely and your data destroyed, Great Lakes Electronics is the company you need for consumer electronics recycling. Through a careful de-manufacturing process, we take old electronics and break them down into their various components. Anything containing data or other sensitive information is destroyed. Meanwhile, all reusable components are recycled. We disassemble electronics into component parts for reuse or metals recovery. Our environmentally friendly facilities ensure all DE manufacturing process are recycled no matter their value– even at our own expense. Great Lakes Electronics is ISO 14001 & R2 certified and operates under the highest environmental standards.

Safeguarding data
We protect your computer data in accordance with top industry standards. That includes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, passed by Congress to set privacy rules for individual health information.

Computers & Computer Parts
Great Lakes Electronics recycles and disposes of all computer-related items, including but not limited to: circuit boards, laptops, accessories, and charging cords.

Other Electronics
We also recycle and dispose of other electronics, including but not limited to: telephone equipment, audio and video equipment, cells phones, and telecom systems.